“Exile’s Song” (Gaelic Version)
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo,
Tha mi sgìth dhen an t-strì,
Seo an tìm dhòrainneach.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo.
Ged a tha mi fon choille
Chan eil coire ri chòmhdach orm.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo.
Thoir mo shoraidh thar linne
Dh’ionnsaidh ’ghlinne ’m bu chòir dhomh bhi.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo,
Tha mi sgìth dhen an t-strì,
Seo an tìm dhòrainneach.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo.
Thoir mo shoraidh le dùrachd
Gu Sgurr Ùrain,’s math m’ eòlas ann.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo.
’S a’ Bheinn Ghorm ‘am choinneamh
Leam bu shoilleir do neòineanan.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo,
Tha mi sgìth dhen an t-strì,
Seo an tìm dhòrainneach.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo.
Thoir mo shoraidh le coibhneas
Gu Tòrr Loighsich nan smèoraichean.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo.
Suas is sìos tro Ghleann Seile
’S tric a leag mi ’n damh cròic-cheannach.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo,
Tha mi sgìth dhen an t-strì,
Seo an tìm dhòrainneach.
Tha mi sgìth ’n fhògar seo.
“2014” Feat. Alan Cumming
Original Gaelic Lyrics by Griogair Labhruidh
Samhradh ceithir deug-bliadhna nam breug,san deachaidh
Alba a’ mhealladh le gealladh an fhealla-gnìomh;
Le cealg nach bu shealbhach a dhealbhachadh giamh-
Gar spìonadh bhon fhìrinn stoc agus freumh.
Am beachd mòr a dh’altruim thugashaltradh
Fo na casan aig Sasainn is luchd an airgeid fhèin-
Chuirte croisean geasan is seachd buaraichean sìthde siubhla
Seachran ort,‘s tu gun eachdraidh na Fèinn’.
Shin e! Mar a thuirt b’ fhìor a Chrìosdaidh!
B’ iad meadhanan an fhaoineis a chaochail an fhìrinn.
Breug air a craoladh-sgeul air a chlaonadh
Sheasadh an t-aonadh ‘s a shaodadh na caoraich.
They were tellin those crazy lies,
No surprise, promise was a fabrication-
So when your hearin them speak beware I do declare,
You gotta check the information;
If you believe in everythin you hear,
Feelin the fear-you gotta get an education-
Coz we were there when it was all revealed,
Signed and sealed they tricked another generation.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's contest! From Edinburgh, Scotland weighing in at 300 years of disenfranchised generations with a new chance for self-determination and a sustainable, peaceful, prosperous future-the 'Yes' campaign! From Westminster, England, weighing 167 billion pounds this year alone on nuclear weapons - austerity, class inequality, a plan to push Brexit against our will and many other goodies in store; the 'Better together' campaign. Take your pick!
Traicleis na bèiste, faiceallach ga èisteachd-
Dalladh air ar lèirsinnsan rèis ud a bha carach;
‘S a rìgh nach mòr an dèistinn a thàinig às an t-sèist ud,
Fonn a rinn ar trèigsinn ‘s a dh’atharraich ar barail.
An cochall-craicinn a bh’ ort ‘ille mhòir,
Ghabh thu maighstir ‘s gun thu faicinn an nì a chaidh à sealladh;
Turrach air tharrach le barrachd dhrabhais agus fealladh-
‘S olc an airidh mar dh’fhairich thu gairm Cuthaige gad mhealladh
Ha! Tùs agus deireadh an sgeòil-
Albainn air albann a' togail a ceann as a cheò;
Tro na neòil le faram a’ seinn le ceòl,
Gach deò togail sgleò le caithream a’ tighinn beò!
They were tellin those crazy lies,
No surprise, promise was a fabrication-
So when your hearin them speak beware I do declare,
You gotta check the information;
If you believe in everythin you hear,
Feelin the fear - you gotta get an education-
Coz we were there when it was all revealed,
Signed and sealed they tricked another generation.
“Exile’s Song” (English Version)
I am weary of this exile,
I am tired of the struggle.
This - the time of hardship,
I am weary of this exile.
Although condemned, I have done no wrong.
I am weary of this exile.
Send my greetings over the sea
To the glen of my heritage.
I am weary of this exile,
I am tired of the struggle.
This - the time of hardship,
I am weary of this exile.
Bear my greetings with a blessing
To Sgùrr Ùrain, I know it well.
I am weary of this exile.
The Green Mountain facing me,
I see your daisies clearly.
I am weary of this exile,
I am tired of the struggle.
This - the time of hardship,
I am weary of this exile.
Bear my greetings with kindness
To Tòrr Loighsich of the song-thrushes.
I am weary of this exile.
Up and down Glen Shiel –
There I hunted the antlered stag.
I am weary of this exile,
I am tired of the struggle.
This - the time of hardship,
I am weary of this exile.
The Skye Boat Song (Gaelic Version)
Original Gaelic Lyrics by Griogair Labhruidh
Seinnibh leam dàn
Gu nìghneag mo chrìdh
Nìghneag mo rùn ‘s mo ghràidh
Faicibh am bàt
‘S e togail bho thìr
Giùlain mo rìgh bho thràigh
Gailleann is fuachd
Bàirlinn is stuadh
‘G èirigh gu cruaidh bhon fhairge
Crònan nan tonn
Òran nan sonn
Bualadh le fonn gu garg oirr’
Prionnsa nam buadh
Frasaibh mu ghruaidh
Ainnir mo luaidh a’ falbh leis
Rìgh nam fear còir
Dh’fhàg sinn gun treòir
Lèir-chreach is glòir na h-Albann
Na fiùran bha treun
Bu chliùiteach am beus
Siol nam muc bhreun a mharbh iad
Ach chì sinn an là
Gun cluinn sinn mar bhà
Geumnaich an àil gu caithreamach
Moch sa Mhadainn
(Alasdair Mac Mhaighsitr Alasdair)
Hùg hó ill a ill ó
Hùg hó o ró nàill leibh
Hùg hó ill a ill ó
Seinn o ho ró nàill leibh
Moch sa mhadainn ‘s mi dùsgadh
’S mòr mo shunnd is mo cheòl-gàire
On a chuala mi am Prionnsa
Thighinn do dhùthaich Chlainn Ràghnaill
Gràinne-mullach gach rìgh thu
Slàn gum till thusa Theàrlaich
Is ann tha an fhìor-fhuil gun truailleadh
Anns a' ghruaidh is mòr nàire
Mar ri barrachd na h-uaisle
Dh' èirigh suas le deagh nàdar;
Is nan tigeadh tu rithist
Bhiodh gach tighearna na àite
Is nan càraicht an crùn ort
Bu mhùirneach do chàirdean;
Bhiodh Loch Iall mar bu chòir dha
Cur an òrdugh nan Gàidheal
The Skye Boat Song (Gaelic Version)
Original Gaelic lyrics by Griogair Labhruidh (English translation)
Sing with me a song
To the girl of my heart
Girl of my desire and my love
See the boat
Heading from land
Carrying my king from the shore
Gale and cold
Breakers and swell
Rising harshly from the sea
The drone of the surge
Song of the heroes
Striking on it fiercely with melody
Prince of virtues
The spray on his cheek
Maiden of my love departs with him
King of just men
Who left us adrift
Devastation and glory of Scotland
The sturdy saplings
Their virtue was famed
Horde of the brutal beast who slaughtered them
But we will see the day
When we hear as before
The triumphant bellowing of their young
Moch sa Mhadainn
(Alexander MacDonald)
Hùg hó ill a ill ó
Hùg hó o ró nàill leibh
Hùg hó ill a ill ó
Seinn o ho ró nàill leibh
Early in the morning as I awake
My laughter and joy are great
Since I heard of the prince
Coming to Clanranald country
You are the greatest of all kings
Health to your return Charles
A true bloodline, unpolluted
Humility on your cheeks
As well as the height of nobility
Rising up with good nature
And if you came again
All lords would be in their place
And if the crown was fixed on you
Your friends would be happy
Locheil would be as he should be
Putting the Gaels in order